Session 11: Minutes and materials - Thursday, 9th of June 2016

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Session topic

Phase E: Communication

E.1 Communicating complex landscape democracy visions: storytelling

  • Session date: Thursday, 9th of June 2016, 15 30 - 17 00 CEST

Agenda and Outputs

  • Thematic input: Storytelling and Communication presented by Anna Szilágyi-Nagy, LE:NOTRE Institute
  • Discussion
  • Seminar sequence and assignments

Session slides and recordings

Next steps for active participants

Assignment 1 - Reading and Synthesizing Core Terminology

  • Read the detailed description of this assignment
  • the process of relating your concepts to each other within the team(Step 2) should be completed now
  • The public link to your group cmap has been added to your group page
  • You may also review the other groups' cmaps, the are listed in this overview
  • Please always use explicit linking words to connect your concepts on the map
  • use colour codes for identifying topic clouds and to show what is your own knowledge and what comes directly from the readings
  • include translations of the terms to your native languages, discuss differences in understanding
  • Start with Step 3 - reporting you find a link on your group page
  • Summarize your findings on one slide for the final presentation (see template)

Assignment 5 - Your Democratic Change Process

  • Read the detailed description of this assignment
  • Decide in your group on one example of your challenges to focus your work on in the coming weeks
  • Copy the material from the case study you selected to your group template for assignment 5
  • Prepare your final presentation based on this template
  • Every group member needs to present a part of the presentation
  • Train the timing of your presentation before the session
  • Send the presentation file to your tutor on Wednesday, 15th of June
  • Complete your template on the wiki and also add your presentation slides

Further references

Participant map

Please add your location to our interactive map, if you have not done so yet:

Next Session

Final Presentation: Your Democratic Change Models

Session date: Thursday, 16th of June 2016, 15 30 - 17 00 pm CEST