Output 1 - The Landscape Education for Democracy Online Course
{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1FlOjd1bG8&feature=youtu.be |alignment=right |dimensions=500 |description= You want to learn more about the LED programme? Please have a look at the video documentation of our online seminar and intensive study programme 2016.
Introduction and Learning Goals
This page gives an overview of the learning and teaching resources that have been developed within the framework of the LED ERASMUS+ project. All materials from this page can be used by educators who wish to introduce landscape democracy into their courses. The materials are also open to any learner for self-study. The LED course will be offered annually in spring time, the next course will start in March 2019.
For teachers wishing to adopt the LED methodology and the instructional design of the LED programme, we recommend you reading the LED Process Report (Output 3), in particular chapter 3 Landscape Education for Democracy: Methods and Methodology by Deni Ruggeri and Ellen Fetzer.
The instructional design is based on the Learning Objectives of the LED programme.
If you wish to participate next time please contact us via info(at)led-project.org or join us on Facebook.
LED in action - some impressions from our online seminar 2017
LED Resources
- The LED Reading List gives an overview of relevant literature supporting the theories and methods introduced in the LED programme. We have tried to make as many links as possible to open access documents. However, not all of these materials can be published via the LED project, since they come from other authors and publishers. But all of them can be found in university libraries.
- The LED Concept Maps are a sort of a democratic and interrelated glossary of the LED course. The terms and concepts have been derived iteratively by synthesizing the discussions of our seminar participants. The concepts have then been translated into a concept map depicting the realtionship of landscape and democracy. Language versions haven then been created from the original English concept map.
- The LED Lecture Archives give access to lecture recordings and materials from the three pilot courses that have been implemented in 2016,2017 and 2018. The materials can be accessed via these links:
- LED 2018 Materials and Recordings (open access)
- LED 2017 Materials and Recordings (open access)
- LED 2016 Materials and Recordings (open access)
- The LED Working Group pages give access to the outcomes of the international teams that have been working on the LED course assignments during the three pilot phases. The teams reflected on landscape symbols, local landscape democracy challenges, democractic change scenarios, concepts and terminology and also created landscape democracy manifestoes. These materials can be accessed via the working group pages of each course:
- LED Intensive Programmes Publications 'Partnering for Landscape Democracy':
- Zingonia - Partnering for Landscape Democracy
- Kassel - Partnering for Landscape Democracy (both free download)
Evaluation and Assessment
The LED course uses both formative and summative assessment forms. Formative assessment was done by the group tutors who were guiding the teams through the assignments.
The course includes four group presentations during which the teams presented their findings and assignment results. These were intensively discussed during online sessions by a team of evaluators together with the seminar tutors.
Evaluation criteria have been published as part of the assignment descriptions.
An evaluation from was completed iteratively after each assignment step and send out as direct feedback to the seminar groups after each presentation. The finally completed form was used for generating and overall grade for each team/participants.
The evaluation form can be downloaded here.
Phase A: Landscape and Democracy - Mapping the Terrain
A.0 Activities before the first session
- Submitting the landscape democracy manifesto
- Landscape Democracy Manifestoes (example 2018) 'Landscape Democracy Manifestoes'
A.1 Concepts of democracy: Evolution and perspectives
Session Design
- Introduction to the LED project, the seminar and the certification process
- Thematic input: 'Representative vs. deliberative democracy'
- Interactive part discussion on democracy challenges, link to students manifestoes
- Assignment 1 'Reading and Synthesizing Core Terminology' starts
- Assignment 2 'Your Landscape Symbols' starts
- Information on seminar sequence and upcoming assignments
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session A.1, Concepts of Democracy, open access
A.2 Concepts of landscape: Emergence and perspectives
Session Design
- Thematic input: The people-centred landscape concept
- Interactive part ‘Selfie-Landscapes’ Exercise
- Reflections on the landscape symbols exercise and further information
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session A.2, Concepts of Landscape, open access
A.3 Concepts of landscape: Conceptual connections
Session Design
- The 'right to landscape' approach
- Interactive part Favorite landscape democracy experience
- Information on seminar sequence and upcoming assignments
- Tutoring session: preparing the landscape symbols presentation
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session A.3, Conceptual Connections, open access
A.4 Group presentations: Your Landscape Symbols
- Groups will present their findings from the photovoice/landscape symbols exercise.
- Details a given in 'Your Landscape Symbols'
Presentation Templates
- Download presentation template
Phase B: Concepts of Participation
B.1 Community design: Shades of participation
Session Design
- Recapitulation part A and introduction to part B.
- Thematic input: What is community design? An exploration of different understandings of the concept of participation.
- Interactive discussion: Group discussion and identifying landscape democracy challenges.
- Assignment 3 'Role Play on Landscape Democracy "movers and shakers" ' starts.
- Assignment 4 'Your Landscape Democracy Challenge' starts.
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session B.1, Community Design, open access
B.2 Engaging communities: theories and tools for public participation.
Session Design
- Thematic input: Engaging the public. Theories and methods of public participation
- Interactive discussion Reflection, discussion and introducing the role play
- Information on seminar sequence and upcoming steps.
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session B.2, Engaging Communities, open access
B.3 Role play with landscape democracy 'movers and shakers'
- Group presentation of assignment 4 'Role Play on Landscape Democracy "movers and shakers" '
- Role play 'movers and shakers' in virtual roundtables.
Phase C: Community and Identity
C.1 Linking identity and community
Session Design
- Recapitulation part B and introduction to part C.
- Thematic input: Participation in Hungary, recent projects and challenges (or similar case studies)
- Instructions for upcoming group presentation.
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session C.1, Linking community and identity, open access
C.2 Group presentations: Landscape democracy challenges
Session design
- Groups present assignment 4 'Your Landscape Democracy Challenge'.
- Information on seminar sequence and next steps.
Phase D: Designing
D.1 The craft of a participatory design process.
Session design
- Recapitulation part C and introduction to part D.
- Thematic input: Community planning (for example: case study of Olvenstedt by Stefan Köder)
- Interactive discussion: Community design processes.
- Assignment 5 'Your Democratic Change Process' starts.
- Information on seminar sequence, readings and upcoming assignments
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session D.1, The craft of a participatory design process, open access
- Session D.1, Learning from a small town (2017), open access
D.2 Stewarding the landscape: building resilient communities
Session design
- Thematic input: Zingonia: Long term Benefits of community planning (or similar case study)
- Interactive discussion: Group discussion on the topic.
- Information on seminar sequence, readings and upcoming assignments
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session D.2, Stewarding the landscape, open access
Phase E: Communicating a vision
E.1 From participation to owning a story
Session design:
- Recapitulation part D and introduction to part E
- Thematic input: Communication methods and tools for community-based planning and design, storytelling method
- Information on seminar sequence and upcoming final presentation
Materials, recordings and slides
- Session E.1 A dialogue with Chrissie Tiller, 2017, open access
- Session E.1 Storytelling and Communication, 2016, open access
E.2 Group presentations: Participation change scenarios
Session design
- Groups present their 'Your Democratic Change Process' for the challenges identified in their environments
- Farewell and outlook
Presentation template
- Download presentation template
Phase F: On-site Intensive Programme
LED Publications 'Partnering for Landscape Democracy':
- Zingonia - Partnering for Landscape Democracy
- Kassel - Partnering for Landscape Democracy (both free download)
ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Programme