Project Reports and Outputs

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Intellectual output documentation on the overall methodology

Output 1Reflection in Action: A Community Learning Model. Leaping forward from Landscape Education for Democracy to Learning, Empowerment, Agency and Partnership.’

Reports from Intensive Study Programmes and Activities in the Living Labs

All reports published to share the experience of Partnering for Landscape Democracy in the context of local living labs:

An Intensive Study Programme in Miskolc, Hungary, to renew the school environment of the Dr. Ámbédkar School, 2021, August 24th - September 4th, 2021,

An Intensive Study Programme in Nürtingen, Germany, to explore the use of games in community building processes, 2022, Unsere Braike - Diving into an everyday landscape, June 18th - June 27th, 2022

Strategic partnership for the reuse and social valorisation of dismissed cultural heritage of religious communities in Lucca, Italy, from July 25 - August 3, 2022.

Storymaps created within our Living Labs

Participatory Games created in our Living Labs