Minutes and Materials LED Session 1 - April 5, 2017
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Session topic
Phase A. Landscape and Democracy - Mapping the Terrain A.1 Concepts of democracy: Evolution and perspectives
- Session date: Wednesday, April 5, 2017, 15 30 - 17 00 CEST
- LED project introduction by Dr Deni Ruggeri, NMBU Norway
- Thematic input: Concepts of democracy: Evolution and perspectives by Dr Ellen Fetzer, HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen
- Interactive part
- Seminar sequence and assignments
Session slides and recordings
- you can access the slides and recordings here session materials (open access)
Interactive part
- Poll on the question How would you describe the political system of the country in which you have grown up?
- Collecting jointly the adantages and disadvantages of democracy models
Next steps for active participants
Assignment 1 - Reading and Synthesizing Core Terminology
- Read the detailed description of this assignment
- Start checking the seminar readings and resources
- Some readings are in a closed folder, login hasn been send by e-mail
Assignment 2 - Your Landscape Symbols
- Read the detailed description of this assignment
- First step: add a first visual of your landscape symbol to your working group page before the next session, so until 10th of April 2016
Group formation
- group and tutorininformation has been send out
Video explanation
- We explained the assignments also during our session on April 5, you can review the recording here.
Further references
- check out our resources page
Next Session
A.2 Concepts of landscape: Emergence and perspectives
Session date: MOnday, April 10, 2017, 15 30 - 17 00 pm CEST
- Thematic input: The people-centred landscape concept by Prof. Dr. Diedrich Bruns, Kassel University, and Prof. Dr. Luigi Bartolomei, University of Bologna, Italy