LED Seminar 2016 - Landscape Symbols Reflection Group B

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Landscape Symbol 1- Ankara`s Symbol - Melis Kilic

Representations and analytical drawings

in addition to your initial visual please add two further analytical drawings of your symbol

My landscape symbol is from Ankara is the capital city of Turkey. Ankara is also an important commercial and industrial city, located at the center of Turkey's road and railway networks. Anıtkabir is built on Rassattepe (Observation Hill) which was chosen so the mausoleum could be seen from all parts of Ankara.

"Anıtkabir is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the commander of Turkish War of Independence and the founder of Republic of Turkey.Rather than a work of architecture, Anıtkabir has been a symbol and a focal center of Atatürk’s principles, republican revolutions and modern turkey. The making of Anıtkabir marks also an important milestone in the architectural history of republic of Turkey. " (Kocatürk; Toker and Ünay, 2010)

There is a nice park inside the area and the monument is built at a huge scale. There are so many plants from around the word and every city of Turkey. It has a great view to Ankara. Everyone respect this monument a lot and it's like a symbol of Turkish Democracy. It’s also called `The center of Modern Turkey´. This symbol is very important for the people who live in Turkey. Over 1.5 million people visit this mausoleum every year and they show their respect to Ataturk who did the revolution for Turkey. And this number is getting and getting more every year. The people see it like ´identity of the city´. You can see the Anitkabir from all parts of Ankara. If you live in Ankara, you see it like a part of your life. You can see some marks from it in your daily life. If you come to Ankara as a tourist, it will always be your first stop. That's why I choosed it. I think it's the best option for my city as a Landscape Symbol.

Reference :

  • Toker, Saadet; Kocatürk, Tuba; Ünay, Ali İ. (2010): Structural Assessment and Strengthening of Atatürk's Mausoleum, Anıtkabir. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 27(1), 125-138. DOI: 10.4305/METU.JFA.2010.1.7, http://usir.salford.ac.uk/18073/1/125-138.pdf

Images :

Landscape Symbol 2- Bologna's Symbols, Serena Indaco

Representations and analytical drawings

in addition to your initial visual please add two further analytical drawings of your symbol


In these pictures I have highlight the symbols leaving them colored while the background is black and white.

Arcades: Bologna is made by arcades in fact in the town there are nearly 44 km! This type of construction permit to all the visitors of the city to go everywhere without the problem of the weather. In medieval age they were built to increase the areas of the apartments leaving free the ground level. Today they appear as a characteristic of the streets. Walking under arcades give to the walker a sensation of protection from the car’s road but also give to him the possibility to have a glimpse to what is happening in the near road while his main attention is focused on the shops that are present in a great number in the other side. The arcades are diffused in the entire town, but are particularly present in the center. This network give sensations of continuity, identity and belonging to this particular visual landscape. Therefore, today, they appears useful but have an aesthetic value, too.

Representation of the Madonna: Under the Bologna’s arcades, there are a great number of Virgin Mary’s representations made with different technique and showing various scenes of her life. These underline the devotion of Bologna’s inhabitants that asked to these Madonnas to benedict their everyday life. Today people walk without raise up their heads and so they don’t pay attention to these artistic works, some of them wonderful, that make precious the walls of buildings. They are symbols referred to a Christian background but, also, there are important for their artistic and historical meaning.

Dalla’s sculpture: Lucio Dalla was a very famous Italian musician that died some years ago. He was born in Bologna and he related his life and his musical work with this town. One month ago, the municipality had decided to place , for a short period, a bronze Dalla’s sculpture in a small square near his house. In these days many tourist, inhabitants want to see this art craft especially to take a selfie with it. Therefore, there is always a small crowd of people near the sculpture. Usually people want to take a picture with objects that are representative of a town, but seldom they know the history or simply the name of what it is represented. In this case, people with different background are collected by their love for music and wanted a picture as the fans desire the sign of their idol.

Landscape Symbol 3-Documenta 6 Kassel, Vera Hausmanns

Representations and analytical drawings

in addition to your initial visual please add two further analytical drawings of your symbol

This art installation is a work of art of the documenta. The documenta is an art exhibition of modern art, which takes place each seven years at Kassel. It is called "Rahmenbau" or "Landschaft im Dia", what means in English something like framing or landscape in a slide. It is built 1977 by a group of architects and artists on the occasion of the documenta 6. In former times on this place has been a building called "Auetor". The "Auetor" should depict a window to the landscape. When a big theater has been built at this place the "Auetor" is torn off. After World War II the view to the landscape has been free again. So they built this art installation for the documenta to remember on the "Auetor" and made a new window to the landscape possible.

I think, this work of art has a historical background. I am sure, that most of the people that visited it didn't know about this. They only see the art installation of the documenta 6. So I would like to say it has changed his meaning from a modern "reconstruction" of the "Auetor" to a work of art of the documenta 6. I would classify it as a change of meaning in a cultural way. And I think this meaning concern only Kassel.

Inside the frame you can see all the important parts that represent Kassel. In the front of the view, you can see the "Orangerie" which show you the history of the town. In the background you can see a smoke stack which represents the industry and in the front of the frame you see the "Friedrichsplatz" with all the people. For me these things are the parts that represent Kassel. I am not sure if this is only a very personal interpretation or if other people are thinking the same. In his properties as a work of art representing the documenta 6 as the exhibition of modern art it might have other meanings to other cultures and other people.

Landscape Symbol 4- St. Petersburg, Russia Julia Sevrugova

Representations and analytical drawings

in addition to your initial visual please add two further analytical drawings of your symbol

Color itself could be a significant symbol of Saint Petersburg. Since the foundation of the city, special attention has been paid to the color range used when designing facades of the buildings. The standards have been changing throughout the centuries, but some patterns still stay the same. Despite the fashion trends, warm colors have always dominated. This tendency can be explained quite easily. Saint Petersburg is a Nordic city, and it has rather cool and damp climate. Gloomy skies, cold weather and lack of the sunlight during the wintertime affect people both on physiological and psychological levels. Yellow, orange and light red colors of the buildings and street lighting imitate the sunshine and help to mitigate the negative effects of Nordic climate. Indirectly, this also influences different spheres of social life.

Landscape Symbol 5- Bangladesh, Md Abdulla Al-Mamun

Representations and analytical drawings

in addition to your initial visual please add two further analytical drawings of your symbol


Climate, location and soil formation of the country allows agriculture as one of the important sector in the economy of Bangladesh. Similarly a large number of population are directly involved in this sector. According to the World Bank, the total arable land in Bangladesh is 61.2 percent of the total land area. Since, the specific landscape or the community where I grownup has a special contribution in agricultural sector, I have choose to explore it as a landscape symbol for this seminar.

‘Rajshahi’ is the north of Bangladesh and the climate is classified as tropical, also known as warmer city of the country. Therefore, the particular climate and soil formation permits to grow a mango trees. Almost every house has a single tree of it and outside of the town a huge horizon is covered by the mango gardens. At the same time is a pleasant green all over the year and large agro industry for a specific season. The amount of the production is much high that is exported to abroad after satisfying the need of the country.

The whole process, from the field to the market and till to the consumer, a large number of people involved. The farmers are the mail persons who confirm the supply. It’s an open market for all kind of people who are interested to buy. The two centered picture shows the circumstances of this process. Therefore, it has a large impact on the local economy. Likewise, the mango-based trade and business has changed the rural economic scenario of the region as a whole.

To praise the situation and as local pride in very often the representation can be seen as a form of sculpture or in printing media.

Group reflection

Landscape symbols group’s B reflections:

We have tried to analyze our landscape symbols that come from very various landscape around the world. St. Petersburg with its clear colors of walls and buildings, Kassel with its landscape art installation that frame the surroundings in a single image that tell a lot about its history and its future, Bologna with its network of small art crafts representing the Christianity in public spaces, Rajshahi’s mango that tell the culture, the way of life, the economic and local knowledge of a region, are the symbols that we choose to share. All these represents in different ways some main topics like the local climate that influence a lot the way we perceive the surrounding, the history that flows in the space, the economy and productivity declinated in a specific local background, the power of the institutions or local authorities that hold or held the control of the buildings form of the space, the aesthetic value of the landscape that we perceived every day, but also, our very personal knowledge and our experiences of landscape.