LED Online Seminar Assignments 2018

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LED seminar schedule and assignments 2018

All phases: Transversal Assignment covering all course phases

Assignment 1: Reading and Synthesizing Core Terminology

Time frame: March 28 – June 20, 2018

Phase A: Landscape and Democracy: Mapping the Terrain

Assignment 2: Your Landscape Symbols

Time frame: March 28 – April 18, 2018

Phases B and C: Concepts of Participation | Community and Identity

Assignment 3: Role Play on Landscape Democracy "movers and shakers"

Time frame: April 25 - May 9, 2018

Assignment 4: Your Landscape Democracy Challenge

Time frame: April 25 - May 23, 2018

Phase D and E: The Design Process | Communicating a Vision

Assignment 5: Your Democratic Change Process

Time frame May 30 – June 20, 2018