LED2LEAP 2021 - Gdansk Team

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Area Sienna Street
Place Przerobka district, the Port Island of Gdansk
Country Poland
Topics social exclusion, lack of participation
Author(s) Kamil Grochowski, Michalina Jasinska, Majak Krzyzynska, Adrianna Piotrowska, Iwona Sidlo
Key Image Placeholder.png

Landscape Democracy Rationale

This project is focused on: social exclusion of inhabitants in relation to the commune council and industry over-development with risk to the condition of living landscape. Accordingly to the entire Island, the most observed objective is the over-development of industry. Accordingly to the district the feeling of social exclusion takes the biggest action.
District council election results, on the level of 17,91% show that inhabitants barely want to take action in the local landscape. Within the 3 major districts in this area of Gdansk, it is Przerobka which seems to need the most consideration. By interviewing the residents and listening to their needs, we manage to obtain an information that attitude connected to the election is caused by almost unseen amount of involvement of the local council with regards to the district and its inhabitants. The community feel like it is the city who take advantage from the industrial character and plan of development of the port island, not giving anything in return to the people. The idea of our project is to involve the community in the participatory designing process, keeping the places they have, increasing its security, hygiene, functionality and charm.

Location and Scope

Przerobka district, located on the Port Island of Gdansk, Poland.
The Port Island of Gdansk is an extremely attractive area for investors but also for new inhabitants. Except from its unfavorable opinion, the entire Island, including Przerobka district is offering the community all essential amenities (including schools, shops, medical centres, churches and places of leisure), it is also located within 20 minutes tram and bike drive from the city center of Gdansk. Its location allows inhabitants to rest at the Baltic bay, at the river bound and in a local forest, lakes, swamps and meadows.
In our project we focus on a small square at the Sienna Street. Within the district it is a second green space dedicated to inhabitants, which rest unused because of unplanned functions, hygiene of use, and lack of microarchitecture and aesthetic.

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Phase A: Mapping Your Community

Welcome to Your Community and Their Landscape

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Groups of Actors and Stakeholders in Your Community

The main actors are the city council, local investors, local representatives and the community which consists of seniors, adults, children, students. The community includes several professional and hobby groups with common interests or background. As the smallest actors in the space, we can consider the penitentiary, non-human living beings and tourists who during covid time are almost invisible.
External stakeholders are an integral part of the urban scene and community, they do have the power to influence the decisions of the city and shape the local landscape. The government as a legislative body may influence the change of the landscape by introducing new regulations, therefore it should be considered as an important actor in the given space.

Relationships Between Your Actors and Groups

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Summary of Your Learnings from the Transnational Discussion Panel

Presentations and discussion with students from different countries gave us a broad view on problems which we share as young designers and space planners. This interactions showed us different perspectives on how we see communities and how important it is to know even the smallest information about the people we work with. This knowledge seem to be essential to match the way of your work and tools with the other actors in the space. It was also very interesting to observe the way how young designers see the same things differently and search for solution the same, simmilar or totally different way .
The presentations of other students were extremely professional and detailed. The listening of them was very inspiring, motivating and gave us a lot of help and ideas how to improve our speeches and further analyzes, for next projects at university and later after graduation.

Theory Reflection

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