LED2LEAP 2020 - Freising Team 8

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Area Bani Knanah County
Place Irbid City
Country Jordan
Topics Agriculture / Rural development
Author(s) Amal-Kanimozhi-Kamolshanok-Doraed
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Landscape Democracy Rationale

  • Why do you think this community context is relevant from a landscape democracy perspective? What is your hypothesis considering the landscape democracy challenges?
  • It is a rural region with good agricultural land and natural resources. meanwhile, farmers in this community are facing some issues regarding their activities which make it less profitable and force them to live in bad economic situation. these farmers are not involved on the policy making process. which make the national or state policies to play a negative role in their community

Location and scope

  • The Location is located in Jordan.
  • Our main focus area is the Bani kinanah county, Irbid City.
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Phase A: Mapping your Community

Welcome to your community and its landscape

Bani Kinanah County is one of nine counties in Irbid. It represents an important center for agriculture because of the breadth of its fertile land, its rich red soil and its moderate climate. It is one of the largest counties in Irbid governorate in terms of population, the majority of its residents work in the public sector, trade and agriculture. The county includes 27 towns with population ranging between 165 and 11706 inhabitants The county is an extension of three types of terrains; plain, mountain and valley. Its land is considered as one of the richest agricultural lands in the country where it produces about 11% of total olives productions in Jordan.

Introduction Baniknah.JPG] Socio-economic characteristics.JPG]

Groups of actors and stakeholders in our community

1- smallholder farmers : Involved in Small agricultural businesses / local trading or family consumption .

2- stakeholder farmers who are involved in large agricultural businesses / importing and exporting agricultural products & Agro-industrial businesses(like olive oil production) / local and international trading.

3- Jordanian Farmers union: Group of people from the civil society involved in the issues of the agricultural sector.

4- commuters Rural-Urban job commuters

5- local workers : people who have a job inside the county in the private or public sector .

6- King Abdullah fund for development: involved in the development and supporting of small and medium economic projects for people who don’t have a decent job. (Governmental organization).

7- Woman microfinance fund association : involved in the development of improving the socio-economics of women.

8- International NGO’s : involved in infrastructure development , economic development and refugees.

9- policy makers National policy maker (such as ministry of transportation / ministry of economics/ Ministry of agriculture) State policy makers (Greater Irbid Municipality ) Local policy makers

10- Local authorities / municipalities: involved in the monitoring and development.

11- Refugees

12- investors in tourism sector : local and national investors in the historical sites and natural resources in the region .

Actor groups.JPG

Relationships between your actors and groups

Community relation.JPG Cause effect relation.JPG]

Summary of your learnings from the transnational discussion panel on April 22

On April 22 you will present the PPT version of this first assignment to other seminar groups working in other geographical community contexts. Please give here a short summary of your learnings during this presentation, for example:

  • Other analytical approaches
  • Other representation styles
  • Other value schemes: any surprises?
  • Constructive comments we received on our presentation

Theory reflection

Focusing on the topics about poverty and economical developments, how to improve and integrated idea as proposal to the community.

Evolving liabilities of income by promoting agricultural and attraction sectors.

Indicated our main group of users as first priorities which are mainly farmers, local worker.


Unable to access the community by ourselves, we worked based on collected information and assumption of how it will affect. In the region, almost all communities have the same evaluation and value with small differences. Have to assuming and eliminating some minor issues.

Reading / Theories relations:

Landscape based on economy : agricultural economy – farmers, workers. All interrelated to private and public sectors Stories behind cultural and historical Landscape. Change of Time related to quality of living. Feedback loop for planning, observing , monitoring action and reflection.


  • give a full list of the references you have used for this section

Phase B: Democratic Landscape Analysis and Assessment

The Scene in your Story of Analysis


The Actors in your Story of Analysis


The Story of Analysis


Reflect on your Story of Analysis


Phase C: Collaborative Visioning and Goal Setting

This process continues from the idea of the last assignment 'Storytelling'. Firstly, we came up with landscape democracy challenge and set the goal and version for the community.

The Scene in your Story of Visioning

  • Landscape challenge: Urban growth / urban sprawl and its effect on agriculture activities
  • The goal: improving and encouraging agricultural activities to achieve economic returns to farmers and community
  • The vision: expanding the agricultural landscape and controlling the urban sprawl

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The Actors in your Story of Visioning

  • Uncle Jack [35]

Status: Farmer Story: He’s diligent with farm works. Love farming. But he cannot make much profit with current situation.

  • Susan [25]

Status: Citizen She’s a young adult who wants to settle in the city. But she thinks in the city still lacks facility and seem to undeveloped.

  • Sam [45]

Status: Policy Maker He’s always following the rules and concern about the overall consideration. He’s thinking in a very logical way.

  • Peter [29]

Status: Researcher He’s current research about integration in the community. He wants to find a way to help local people.

  • John [20]

Status: Uncle Jack’s nephew -Farmer Story: He’s only doing his tasks. He also lacks the motivation to improve his skill.

  • Janie [32]

Status: Citizen She has a big family and like to spend time with them in the park and walking at the streets. She wants more green space.

  • Ken [30]

Status: Merchant / Seller He’s really talkative. He’s also the best seller in town. He wants more products from farmers.

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The Story of Visioning

Scene 1: Introducing Uncle Jack who wants a better life. He wants to make more profit, so he needs more land for agriculture. He doesn't know what to do. Then he asks his nephew who lack motivation.

Scene 2: Introducing Susan. She is a local citizen who wants the city to be more civilized, such as high-rise apartment, modern shopping malls.

Scene 3: Then they propose their thoughts to the policymaker.

Scene 4: But he thinks it's too idealise to be true. So he rejects them.

Scene 5: Introducing researcher. He also represents us as landscape architects but takes part as a researcher. He thinks he could do propose something to meet all parties needs. So he makes a plan to survey.

Scene 6: He asks uncle John and Susan about their requirements.

Scene 7: Then he asks Janie who is also a local citizen. She wants more green space.

Scene 8: He asks Ken who is a merchant. He wants more farming products. So he supports farmer ideas.

Scene 9: He has several ideas for the community such as sustainability approaches, vertical farming (for cultivate agricultural activities.), more green space, vertical development (for the purpose of urban growth.)

Scene 10: He presents the ideas to everyone.

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Reflect on your Story of Visioning

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Phase D: Collaborative Design, Transformation and Planning

We revised the goal setting and visioning assignment. Then we came up with new clearer goals, which was concentrated on developing agriculture.

Prototyping Action: Workshop on Mock-up Market

From the purpose of 'agricultural activities improvement', we think of an idea to create a farmer market in the community to help farmers with their main issues as they want more revenues, and they were not understand of the situation or lack the knowledge to improving themselves. Also, farmer markets involve citizens, stakeholders, merchants, and other possible related key-users.


The Evolution of Your Prototyping Action


The Plan Behind Prototyping Action

To launch an action plan. We need several material resources such as agricultural lands, farming equipment, and especially funds. For running a workshop we also need specialists for each type of educations which will happen during the workshop. Besides, we need approvals and supports from the government, policymakers, local citizens, and stakeholders.


Timeframe for this project following:

Start project: with proposals, gathering potential participants, then starting the workshop.

In 6 months: workshop with open field studies, first build of a mock-up market.

In 1 year: develop a mock-up market to 3 stalls per group -> promote mock-up market to local citizens, then open farmer market in a first community with small scale market.

In 2 years: develop small market to medium size market and then open 2 more farmer markets in other communities, starting from small scale.

In 3 years: Expanding from medium to large scale market, and open more 4 farmer markets in other communities.

In 4-5 years:Establish the central farmer market in the region, and also local farmer market for possible area in the region.


The Realization of Prototyping Action




Phase E: Collaborative Evaluation and Future Agendas

Collaborative Evaluation and Landscape Democracy Reflection

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The Actors in your Collaborative Evaluation

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Reflection of the Online Seminar

Methods or information from Literatures: Collecting impact, Design as Democracy Methods from the lecture: P.A.R, feedback loops

Applied Feedback loop to the project.

Observing community: collect information

Reflect: analysing phase

Plan: finding landscape democracy challenges, finding ideas

Act: making an action plan, implementation

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We evaluated our performance and rated it as 'Satisfaction levels' to each phase. Due to our misunderstanding of from phase B and C. We struggled a lot of how to generate our ideas. So these 2 phases are the hardest and least satisfying work for us.

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Regarding pandemic COVID-19, it affects most of working progress, management, and also physical and mental health.

We categorized the effects in positive and negative.


Recorded video - we can repeatedly watch the recorded session several times.

Response - quick response and online interactive.


More time-consuming - need more time to finish tasks, time differences.

Communication - languages barrier, no face to face meeting.

Health - eyes sore, headache, office syndrome, depression.

Technical issues - unstable internet connection, errors.

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Reflection of the Living Lab Process

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Your Living Lab Code of Conduct

This progress, it acquired knowledge from Collaborative working process, with 6 steps and methods.

- How to bring people together and shared visions and values.

- Different approaches to find solutions for landscape democracy challenge.

- Interactive

- Knowledge and education

- Develop strong communication skill.

- Break complex tasks into parts and steps.

Next action was to initiate practical workshops, which include field studies, and mock-up market.

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Process Reflection

For further development, the most important things are teamwork, proper management, and responsibility. To continue the project, it requires collaboration between key-users, planner, and also landscape architecture.

The main value for this project concerns about landscape and community integration, and improve economic stagnation.

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