LED Online Seminar 2018 - Working Group 13

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Dear working group members. This is your group page and you will be completing the template gradually as we move through the seminar. Good luck and enjoy your collaboration!

Assignment 1 - Reading and Synthesizing Core Terminology

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • Readings are accessible via the resources page

Step 1: Your Landscape Democracy Manifestoes

Step 2: Define your readings

  • Please add your readings selection for the terminology exercise before April 18:

A: Landscape and Democracy

  • Burckhardt, Why is Landscape beautiful (Simon Minz)
  • The european landscape convention (2000) (Benoit Zachelin)

B: Concepts of Participation

  • Hester, Randolph (2005): Whose Politics, Landscape Architecture (Andrea Haave Jenssen)
  • Arnstein, Sherry R.(1969): A Ladder of Citizen Participation, JAIP, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Benoit Zachelin)

C: Community and Identity

  • Welk Von Mossner, Alexa (2014): Cinematic Landscapes, In: Topos, No. 88, 2014.(Andrea Haave Jenssen)
  • Hester, Randolph (2006): Design for Ecological Democracy, The MIT Press. (Simon Minz)

D: Designing

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013): Places in the Making: How Placemaking Builds Places and Communities (Andrea Haave Jenssen)
  • Smith, Nicola Dawn(2012): Design Charrette: A Vehicle for Consultation or Collaboration (Simon Minz)

E: Communicating a Vision

  • Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR). Flyer about their activities connected to the river. City walk, environmental education, and other water-related activities could be searched on their websites. (Benoit Zachelin)

A: Landscape and Democracy

  • Lynch, Kevin. (1960): The Image of the City, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (Louis Chiteri)

B: Concepts of Participation

  • Burckhardt, Lucius (1957): Urban Planning and Democracy in: Fezer/Schmitz (Eds.) Rethinking Man-made Environments (2012). (Louis Chiteri)

Steps 3 and 4: Concepts Selection and definition

  • Each group member selects three relevant concepts derived from his/her readings and synthesize them/publish them on the wiki by May 9, 2018
  • Group members reflect within their groups and define their chosen concepts into a shared definition to be posted on the wiki by June 6, 2018.
  • Other group members will be able to comment on the definitions until June 12, 2018
  • Each group will also report on their process to come to a set of shared definitions of key landscape democracy concepts on the wiki documentation until June 20, 2018

Concepts and definitions

Author 1: Andrea

  • Cinematic landscape (Alexa Weik von Mossner, cinematic landscapes, topos 2014, 88)

In film, landscapes can act as symbols to underline a point, make you think of a place or event, or be used to enhance a feeling or mood through its role as "setting" or "backdrop" for the narrative, and it that way also becomes a part of it.

  • Placemaking (Places in the making, MIT,2013)

The practice concerns the deliberate shaping of an environment to facilitate social interaction and improve a community’s quality of life. Stresses the importance of the process of "making" to empower communities.

  • Political style - as a designer (Randy Hester, whose politics, 2005)

There are different types of designers, the blissfully naïve, the savvy naïve, servants, contextualists & catalysts. As a designer you have a political style wether you belong to the blissfully naive, who design with no concern or understanding of larger impacts and connections, or if you belong to the catalysts, who purposely act and design in order to address bigger issues and prompt change.

Author 2: Benoit

  • Local Self-government (European landscape convention, 2000)

This approach recognizes the possibility to the local people to be organized and protect the landscape. This theme appears in the European convention and develops the local power to protected and improve the landscape.

  • Tokenism (Sherry Arnstein, A ladder of citizen participation, 1969)

This is a ladder of the ladder of the participatory process. It is ladder where the participation start to be real. This ladder is divided in 3 parts Informing, consultation placation. That gather 3 steps and each one evolve in the participatory process.

  • River Community (Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR).)

There are different people in different territories which share a common good, the River. That opens a community life which is organized around the river and them people accept to protect the river this is for the common good. This community organizes the life, they promote, the protection around the river.

Author 3: Simon ...

  • Burckhardt, Lucius, Why is Landscape beautiful: Burckhardt formed the science of strollology (Wanderlust) as a means of perceiving a landscape. The basic idea is "landscape as a construct". The perception of a landscape is the observers

Idea or what he constructs out of the environment. Its a creative act which is also influenced by a persons educational background."Landscape Exists in the Mind's Eye".

  • Hester, Randolph (2006): Design for Ecological Democracy, The MIT Press.: "Make a City to touch the peoples heart" Landscape as an Ecosystem which is formed and governed by people emphasizing direct involvement.
  • Smith, Nicola Dawn(2012): Design Charrette: A Vehicle for Consultation or Collaboration:

Author 4: ...

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Step 5: Reflection

Step 6: Revised manifestoes

  • please look again at your initial manifestoes and update them with any new aspects/prespectives you have taken up during this seminar

Assignment 2 - Your Landscape Symbols

  • You can read more details about this assignment here

Landscape Symbols Author 1: Andrea Haave Jenssen

Landscape Symbols Author 2: Benoit Zachelin

Landscape Symbols Author 3: Chiteri Louis Faber

Landscape Symbols Author 4: mozhdeh jalili

Landscape Symbols Author 5: Simon M.

Assignment 3 - Role Play on Landscape Democracy "movers and shakers"

  • You can read more details about this assignment here

Assignment 4 - Your Landscape Democracy Challenge

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • Each group member will specify a landscape democracy challenge in his/her environment
  • Each Landscape Democracy Challenge should be linked to two or three of UN's 17 sustainable development Goals

Landscape Democracy Challenge 1

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 2

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 3

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 4

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 5

Your references:

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Assignment 5 - Your Democratic Change Process

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • After documenting and reflecting on your challenges you will continue jointly with one of these challenges and design a democratic change process

Your Democratic Change Process


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Your references

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