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=== Landscape Democracy Challenge 1 ===
=== Landscape Democracy Challenge 1 ===
<gallery caption="Landscape of seaside in Babolsar,Iran" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="7">
<gallery caption="Landscape of seaside in Babolsar,Iran" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="7">
Image:yourname_challenge_1.jpg|The beachfront of Babolsar is currently being created by dispersed and temporary caterpillars, which has created an unpleasant display. The direct connection of people to the sidewalk using the coastal edge through the adjacent streets leading to the coastal streets and indirect communication by walking on the alleys around the beach and along the edge of the sea.
File:Landscape challenge.7.jpg|The beachfront of Babolsar is currently being created by dispersed and temporary caterpillars, which has created an unpleasant display. The direct connection of people to the sidewalk using the coastal edge through the adjacent streets leading to the coastal streets and indirect communication by walking on the alleys around the beach and along the edge of the sea.
Image:yourname_challenge_2.jpg|Failure to adhere to the seafront in some places
Image:yourname_challenge_2.jpg|Failure to adhere to the seafront in some places
Image:yourname_challenge_3.jpg|Lack of attention to garbage collection and environmental pollution
Image:yourname_challenge_3.jpg|Lack of attention to garbage collection and environmental pollution

Revision as of 11:37, 16 May 2018

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Dear working group members. This is your group page and you will be completing the template gradually as we move through the seminar. Good luck and enjoy your collaboration!

Assignment 1 - Reading and Synthesizing Core Terminology

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • Readings are accessible via the resources page

Step 1: Your Landscape Democracy Manifestoes

Step 2: Define your readings

  • Please add your readings selection for the terminology exercise before April 18:

A: Landscape and Democracy

The New Urban Agenda Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All, UN resolution from December 2016 - Susanna Patata

Directive 2003/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC - Statement by the Commission - Eric Vitrier

B: Concepts of Participation

Day, Christopher (2002): Consensus Design, Architectural Press - Petar Jurički

Hester, Randolph (1999): A Refrain with a View, UC Berkeley - Susanna Patata

C: Community and Identity

Welk Von Mossner, Alexa (2014): Cinematic Landscapes, In: Topos, No. 88, 2014. - Petar Jurički

Girling, Cynthia (2006): Informing Design Charrettes, The Integrated Assessment Journal - Mahsa Bazrafshan - 미안해 already taken -

Girling, Cynthia (2006): Informing Design Charrettes, The Integrated Assessment Journal - Eric Vitrier

D: Designing

Hester, Randolph: Democratic Drawing - Techniques for Participatory Design - Petar Jurički

Hester, Randolph: Democratic Drawing - Techniques for Participatory Design- R.Rahimi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013): Places in the Making: How Placemaking Builds Places and Communities - Mahsa Bazrafshan

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013): Places in the Making: How Placemaking Builds Places and Communities - R.Rahimi

Woodcraft, Saffron, et al.: Design for Social Sustainability: A Framework for Creating Thriving New Communities - Susanna Patata

Woodcraft, Saffron, et al.: Design for Social Sustainability: A Framework for Creating Thriving New Communities- R.Rahimi

E: Communicating a Vision

Goldstein, B. E., A. T. Wessells, R. Lejano, and W. Butler. 2015. Narrating Resilience: Transforming Urban Systems Through Collaborative Storytelling. Urban Studies. 52 (7): 1285-1303. Eric Vitrier 'Reading the Landscape' by Simon Bell, EMU Tartu - R.Rahimi

Steps 3 and 4: Concepts Selection and definition

  • Each group member selects three relevant concepts derived from his/her readings and synthesize them/publish them on the wiki by May 9, 2018
  • Group members reflect within their groups and define their chosen concepts into a shared definition to be posted on the wiki by June 6, 2018.
  • Other group members will be able to comment on the definitions until June 12, 2018
  • Each group will also report on their process to come to a set of shared definitions of key landscape democracy concepts on the wiki documentation until June 20, 2018

Concepts and definitions

Author 1: Susanna Patata

  • Concept 1: The New Urban Agenda was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) in Quito on 2016. Represents a shared vision for a better and more sustainable future where everybody have equal rights and access to the benefits and opportunities that the city can offer. The urban community reconsiders the urban system and physical form of our urban spaces to achieve this objective and recognize the correlation between good urbanization and development. It follows the principle of inclusivity; the meaningful inclusion of slum dwellers; the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders group, which have a critical role to play in the implementation of this shared vision. (The New Urban Agenda Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All, UN resolution from December 2016)
  • Concept 2:Hester’s paper explore the development of participation. Since from the foundation of U.S. the local participation was considered an important right. With the professionalizing city management starts the separation of the citizens from the decisions about their landscape and the professionals assumed more and more responsibility in community design. With the creation of civil movements, the advocacy planning served the civil rights movement but it has had profound unintentional side effects that run counter to its original goals: visionary public plans. Participatory design has been transformed over the past three decades. Some trends evolved, some revised and all became more complex and varied depending upon local context.Today more people participate in local planning than before. The step for participatory design have to promote fairness and encourage creativity and innovation. (Hester, Randolph (1999): A Refrain with a View, UC Berkeley)
  • Concept 3:The paper try to understanding how to plan and develop successful and socially sustainable communities.Building community is considered as important as designing in physical, economical and sustainable terms. The ‘social design’ approach must be considered in the practice of professionals involved in the design process of new and existed communities. The challenge to find a better planning practice is requested by the increasing pressure of urban population, climate change and ageing societies. The key of this good practice should begin from the awareness of how local identity and social networks influence people’s feelings of belonging to places in order to create more resilient and high quality communities.It discussed the fail experience of architecture that created isolated residents and dead, inflexible and costly spaces to maintain.(Woodcraft, Saffron, et al.: Design for Social Sustainability: A Framework for Creating Thriving New Communities)

Author 2: Petar Jurički

  • Concept 1: Author thinks that the democracy is sometimes not the best solution for working out certain problems and for decision making in design. She suggest using the concensus approach as a mean for decission making among people involved in the design process. (Day, Christopher (2002): Consensus Design, Architectural Press)
  • Concept 2: In the movie, director uses landscape as a mean to make people more aware of the environmental crisis. In addition we can conclude that landscape may contain meanings and stories about the communities around it as well as a emotional connection with the landscape they live in. (Welk Von Mossner, Alexa (2014): Cinematic Landscapes, In: Topos, No. 88, 2014.)
  • Concept 3: Designers use creative methods (painting, sketching, collage etc.) as a mean to convey their ideas and thoughts to visualize places that are being designed. By drawing meaningful lines designers try to make the space they design precious to the people. Because of that we need participation of citizens and people from that area. Only through this kind of collaboration the lines and the design will have their true meaning to the people. (Hester, Randolph: Democratic Drawing - Techniques for Participatory Design)

Author 3: Eric Vitrier

  • Concept 1 : How to manage and apply : Environmental Planning, Access-to-information, Legal proceedings / administrative proceedings, Access-to-justice, Governance, Public participation defined by articles
  • Concept 2 : The author has developed computer-aided decision support tools to provide training, visualization, and modeling of charrete design (design-driven, participating community design activities) and other major public seminars. Design information. This tool was created to connect the public with community planning and design professionals. One of the goals of this task is to eliminate important knowledge gaps between experts and stakeholders who are responsible for preparing and evaluating program options. Design features show expectations and preferences for future development through a participatory, qualitative, and design-based approach that appeals to the general public, such as vision and brainstorming techniques. To achieve a more sustainable urban structure, you must support charrete through quantitative methods of modeling and measuring performance based on sustainable development indicators such as housing density and traffic access and services.
  • Concept 3 : According to a proposal for a new urbanization in Orange County, California, proposals that try to ignore various kinds of knowledge will damage the experience and common sense of urban residents. In this article, the author talk about how to reintegrate the river in Los Angeles into urban life and the efforts of the US fire department to cope with the crisis of forest fires. In either case, the participants are not even required to expand the story of alternative gifts, promote critical learning, promote coordination and promote the organization of stakeholders. Offering a story is a means to express subjective symbolic importance of elasticity. We can enlighten and include some voices and we can decide how we can adapt through self-organizing process and be able to determine profit. How can the community improve social environmental adaptability of complex urban systems?

Author 4: Rouhollah Rahimi

  • Concept 1 : Physical features and processes of nature and human made artefacts are arranged at the bottom of the model. These are the “material things” and phenomena that can be measured, such as soil particles, temperature, plants and (remembering the story above) bee tongues.
  • Concept 2 :One rung up, on the second tier, all things and phenomena are placed in the model that people take note of in areas that surrounds them. People might, for example, notice a meadow and get impressions of how it is filled with flowers, but will usually not look at every single plant or petal. People might be aware of insects buzzing about, but will usually not appreciate the different lengths of tongues that particular bees use for collecting nectar.
  • Concept 3 :On the next rung up we arrange everything that people learn from so called “significant others”, such as parents, friends, teachers, etc. Hence, on the third tier, we find social meaning and values that are shared among members of groups, communities, etc. Imparted meaning and values have influence on what people notice in their surroundings. If we think of, for example, children strolling along a flowering meadow, one child might, while pointing at the pretty colors of flowers, ask why they are there. The inquisitive child might get an explanation about flowers appearing during early spring time and about spring flowers signifying seasonal change. Another child might, while pointing at insects flying from one flower to the next, ask why they are doing this. An anxious parent might pull the child back and issue a warning about bees stinging and hurting. Another person might tell the metaphorical story of “the birds and the bees” (when parents explain what sexual relationships are).

Author 5: ...

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Step 5: Reflection

Step 6: Revised manifestoes

  • please look again at your initial manifestoes and update them with any new aspects/prespectives you have taken up during this seminar

Assignment 2 - Your Landscape Symbols

  • You can read more details about this assignment here

Landscape Symbols Petar Jurički: ...

Landscape Symbols Susanna Patata: ...

Landscape Symbols Author 3: ...

Landscape Symbols 4: ...

Landscape Symbols Rouhollah Rahimi: ...

Assignment 3 - Role Play on Landscape Democracy "movers and shakers"

  • You can read more details about this assignment here

Petar Jurički - Robert Jungk

Rouhollah Rahimi - Karl Linn

Assignment 4 - Your Landscape Democracy Challenge

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • Each group member will specify a landscape democracy challenge in his/her environment
  • Each Landscape Democracy Challenge should be linked to few of UN's 17 sustainable development Goals

Landscape Democracy Challenge 1

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 2

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 3

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 4

Your references:

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Landscape Democracy Challenge 5

Your references:

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Assignment 5 - Your Democratic Change Process

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • After documenting and reflecting on your challenges you will continue jointly with one of these challenges and design a democratic change process

Your Democratic Change Process


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Your references

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