What is the role of the landscape professional in this

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  • the landscape professional should hear the voices/opinions of the people who live in the landscape that the professional is gonna work on, before operating on the landscape. This in order to shape the landscape on their wishes and needs.
  • to guarantee a living space for every class of people, of every age, space for community
  • It's very difficult question, anyway i think the most important issue is to put limits to traditional stakeholders and give voice to people minorities, but also creatures in general,
  • He needs to get in touch with people's needs and should facilitate comparisons to figure out what to do
  • initiate change in planning practice
  • helping dialogue, helping to share, drawing spaces where different commuities can gather, where different groups can share experiences and even building something together
  • we have to understand what all people want and help them to give a form
  • the Engagement of locals in a free access facilities
  • educate people and change perception
  • to propose an open design, which means to let people decide what to do where to go and which road to choose and so on.
  • to make the best of it !
  • It is a role huge responsability, but it is necessary to submit questions and doubts to the people
  • To guide the design and development of the landscape that it remains perserved in a way and that it serves the need of the people.
  • the role is to combine each cultural opinions together on one place
  • help the community to create a joint vision
  • follow the forms of the place and undertand them
  • to contribute its enhancement and imporevent for today and contribute its sustainability for future generations
  • To understand people's needs.
  • Limited in certain areas, not all people has the right to open places. Social classes depends on this.
  • creating a landscape that will affect mood
  • creating open spaces that has an influence on people
  • providing a sustainable and environment sensitive design which can work both functionally and aesthetically
  • To translate comunity needs
  • designing the landscape so it can be used by everyone
  • considering whole social-cultural-economical-behavioral aspects to make a buplic space for every one! without limitation!
  • to encourage stewardship, by designing places people themselves can tend to and care for
  • Meet diversity as much as possible
  • To be a connections between needed skills+considereing all dimensions and people's needs
  • a link between the landscape and the users of the landscape
  • Bring knowledge and sensitivity. Knowledge Sharing
  • Landscape architects should be aware of what community need.
  • good question. some architects colleagues would say, plant some trees?
  • Advocate it to the ones who make landscape development decisions
  • Take care of the landscape
  • To organize landscape space and connection of landscape in order to create opportunities for the public to enjoy it, in a sustainable and proper manner.
  • Orientate the managing of the environment surround
  • has power by designing to change the physical,mental and spiritual world
  • considering all factors and respecting all speicies and groups of society
  • to integrate in the new landscape competent and reasoned ideas
  • Landscape Professionals should take the communities into consideration. their aim shouldn't be to fulfill their master design but rather fulfill the society's needs.
  • We can guide people or adjust the landscape to people use, and visa versa.
  • How to meet the needs of people, meet the interests of the community and respect nature
  • professionals can design landsacape that can be used by everyage people also with social culturalal value