LED2LEAP Intensive Programme Nürtingen 2022

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Braike neighbourhood architecture from the 1920's
Our workshop will look at alternative futures for the neighborhood's central square
Informal signs of place-making on the hidden river Steinach, picture from Max Strauch
Informal playscapes from the early 1950's
Sudetenstraße was planned to be a thoroughfare but never became one. Today is is oversized, picture made by Rehan Wasi

Unsere Braike - Diving into an everyday landscape

  • Workshop dates: June 18 - 27, 2022
  • Location: Braike neighbourhood in Nürtingen, Germany

Welcome to Braike neighbourhood

Braike is a neighbourhood with about 4,000 residents. It belongs to Nürtingen, a small town at the southwestern fringe of Stuttgart Greater Region. Nürtingen itself has 45 000 residents. Stuttgart Greater Region is one of the most productive regions in Europea and home to 2,7 million people distributing across the 179 towns and communes of this urban agglomeration.

Braike neighbourhood is an example for various social and urban development trends, representative not only for Germany but also for many other European areas.

Here, too, demographic change is shifting the age structure: fewer and fewer young people live together with an increasing number of older people in the neighbourhood. These groups have different needs and usually few points of contact. Braike has always been a place of arrival, now for 100 years. People bring very different biographies and cultures to the shared neighbourhood, but currently have few opportunities to come into contact through shared activities and meeting places.

In 2021, a neighbourhood project has been launched in order to raise ideas for bringing the community closer together. This process still continues in 2022 and the LED2LEAP ERASMUS workshop will be part of it.