LED2LEAP 2020 - Freising Team 3

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Landscape Democracy Rationale

  • Why do you think this community context is relevant from a landscape democracy perspective? What is your hypothesis considering the landscape democracy challenges?
  • Format: 3-4 sentences

Here are the sustainable Development Goals in which we can achieve: Sustainable cities and communities, Good health and well-being, Climate action, Decent work and Economic growth, Clean water and sanitation, Industry. innovation and infrustructure

Location and scope

  • You can edit this map with the map editor
  • Next to showing us where you are, you may also use this map to localise different focus themes of your community

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Phase A: Mapping your Community

Welcome to your community and its landscape

The target of our map community located in Olympic rowing regatta course and its neighborhoods. socio-economic characteristics: Hotels, Restaurants, retail shops, a small airport, Munich airport. the issues that we are facing include: Lack of some conservation measures There are no public open spaces for community events. There is no land-use strategy for the surrounding land. Lack of strong relationships to apply different strategies (environmental, recreation, cultural, education, tourism, and marketing strategies) in this area. Lack of strength nature protection strategies.

Groups of actors and stakeholders in your community

  • Which groups/sub-communities are there? Farmers, Hotel owners, Real estate developers, Athletes, Student, Businessmen, Government officers.

What are their needs and aspirations with regard to the landscape? expansion of the park as a Location with potentials for commercial investments and have a place that all other sport can use. There are nonvisible groups like environmentalists and the natural preservation committee will try to protect the areas. But, because of the power of local government and real estate agencies, these groups don't get enough space to protect the areas. Main challenges: • Protection of monumental • Protection for forests and natural environmental especially Habitat of wild animals, especially bluebirds • Need to renovate for Adapt to the environment while maintaining modern safety regulations • Keep infrastructure More visible group: Athletes and Commercial group, Less visible group: Environmental group and Farmers

Relationships between your actors and groups

  • How would you describe the power relationship between the groups?
  • Which groups may have shared interests and which are these?

Summary of your learnings from the transnational discussion panel on April 22

On April 22 you will present the PPT version of this first assignment to other seminar groups working in other geographical community contexts. Please give here a short summary of your learnings during this presentation, for example:

  • Other analytical approaches

We learn the pivotal role of brainstorm of problems with using specific examples to support our ideas

  • Other representation styles

Other representation style used of language, signs and images which stand for or represent things were in their work.

  • Other value schemes: any surprises?

Art representation that had been used of its signs like hand sketch, which stand in for and take the place of something, was considered during presentation.

  • Constructive comments we received on our presentation

We have to attention to ongoing plan or some future planning of development by government and authorities in area of case study which we did not think about it.

Theory reflection

  • Reflect on at least three readings from the first section 'Democratic Landscape Transformation
  • You can choose references from our reading list or suggest others
  • Scope: 250 words

Went well: • Tourist can have positive impact on economy • Create area for international event and global fame • Providing job opportunity for local people • Regional development • People, tourist and government need to work more with each other

Difficult: • Tourist can have negative affect an environmental areas • Using up natural resources • Cultural degradation • Deprive the local population from their natural rights to use these resources


  • give a full list of the references you have used for this section

https://www.leistungszentrum-muenchen.de/en/ https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/munich-oberschleissheim-save-the-regatta

Phase B: Democratic Landscape Analysis and Assessment

The Scene in your Story of Analysis

  • Describe your landscape democracy challenge.

Lack of marketing landscape through sustainable marketing-call for more social, cultural, and traditional responsibility and traffics and attraction. What is the physical scene, a specific description of the landscape? farms and agricultural land near Olympic rowing regatta course What are the socio-economic and political characteristics of place? Are there any important contextual elements? eco-tourism Socio-economic

political characteristics of the place

  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below

The Actors in your Story of Analysis

  • Describe the characters and their role in the story. Are they major or minor characters? Are there any key relationships that need to be defined?
  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below

Government (stakeholder)

farmers (community)
local and international funded NGO (stakeholder)

Key relationships community local and international funded NGO Government of free state of Bavaria Munich city council

The Story of Analysis

  • Describe the plot of the story and how it plays out.
  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below
  • add as many additional images as you like

I want to explain our story in two sections for you: First section is related to current moment Second section is related some happens that lead to current situation in our story. So in the current moment, farmers in Regatta course have already applied to city council for set upping a local bazar where you can find some organic foods such as fruits and fresh vegetables and also traditional arts that are handmade. If their request is approved, funding and land belongs to them and they can set up local market in their region. I go back to the past and explain the concept of this idea. Since Regatta course is a tourism area, a wide range of people especially athletes who are main tourist’s community in this area come there for two months in summer season in order to participate boat competitions. So there was a high volume requests from tourists for organic foods in summer season due to agriculture potentials have this region so that in order to provide them they have to travel to local market in Freising city especially sportsman who organic food due to nutrition values has high level of importance for them. On the other hand, these requests create a motivation for Dani who is the young generation of farmers. He thought about providing organic foods so that tourists do not have to go other cities from this area in order to buy them. In addition, this commute always lead to increase traffic problems in this area especially in summer season. So he start to plant of organic products briefly in a small part of his agriculture land and then he expanded it gradually. So after one year he could make a reality about his idea so that planting and selling organic products has become her main occupation alongside agriculture products. Besides, other farmers followed Dani ideas in their agriculture land so that plant and grow of organic foods have included in agriculture approaches in this area now. Then with regard to this changes Dani thought about organizing a local market in Regatta course where all farmers can present their organic products in this area for tourist’s people who are interested to buy these products in a collection with different diversity. On the other hand, Dani are thinking about present some traditional arts that existed in Regatta course, for example a type of hand made with wood that play an important role in cultural values of this area. An art that has been passed down from generation to generation and can provide some tourist attraction if would be developed in a local market. So, Dani suggested the local bazar idea to farmers community and explained some beneficial of that for them. They became interested in her idea and decided to apply from city council and now they are waiting for the result.

Reflect on your Story of Analysis

  • How did the tools you chose for landscape analysis fit your community? Reflect on the questions: What did you carry? Why did you carry? How did you carry? What remains after you've left? (150 words)
  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below

The existence of local bazaars around Regatta reduces the volume of traffic in the center of Munich, and reduces traffic in these areas. In addition, organizing the bazaars around the city of Regatta creates effective and useful jobs in the society. Local markets around Regatta are mostly for organic agricultural products and fruits and creates Home Jobs. Make an attitudinal change towards the dwellers of the site hat might cause the proper maintaining and further development of the site that can effect both the site and users in a positive way.

Banner, possessions by local community, Addressing to the political leaders and selected local representative of that particular area, Local bazar that held near heritage area (organic product), Cultural heritage, traditional handicraft

Phase C: Collaborative Visioning and Goal Setting

* template coming

Phase D: Collaborative Design, Transformation and Planning

* template coming

Phase E: Collaborative Design, Transformation and Planning

* template coming

= Phase E: Collaborative Evaluation and Future Agendas * template coming

Process Reflection

  • Reflect in your intercultural and interdisciplinary team on the outcomes of your study
  • Which limitations were you facing?
  • What have you learnt from each other?
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • You can also use diagrams/visuals
  • 250 words text