Is landscape a common good and why?
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- yes, it is something that surrounds us so it influences our everyday life, how we perceive what is around us.
- just for the fact that is a PUBLIC space, everyone should live this space and take care of it.
- because everyone have to be aloud to use the territory for free time and to interact, to discuss, also to fight and find and redefine *all the time common values
- Yes it is! Because everyone lives it
- because it is something we share since we born
- yes because it's not only phisical but also a feeling
- Yes, it seems. Because it contributes to well being of human and it has no definite borders.
- yes! because it is a right for all locals
- yes, because everyone can make a connection to it.
- yes ! improve the communication and socialabe life
- If well governed (or not) is a common good because it regards everyone and a lot of aspects of life (i.e. health)
- Yes, but everyone perceives different the landscape, at the end everyone can enjoy it.
- yes, because raise population sociality
- yes, everybody can lives and stay there and has the right to go there
- yes - but how can we assure responsability for the common good by everyone?
- because a place has different social functions for different social classes
- We all experience it.
- depends on the place and community.
- it is. because everyone is a part of landscape
- absolutely. it is the right to breathe the air, to enjoy the view, to play, exist and live
- yes , as sky is common
- yes
- depends. in time of identity can be different and depends of the history and culturl of th space it can be helpful in interaction between people
- it is in theory, but in contemporary cities most landscapes are privatized and designed for the few. They are patrolled to actively remove the 'other'
- yes, it is a public space obviously. It is a fundemental feature of a public space to be a common good
- These days that we are getting far from eachother via cyberspases, landscape could be really helpful to keep cultral and communications connected
- yes, and it requires the care of all. It is a common good because it does not belong to anyone but it affects everyone
Of course because we belong to the earth. Earth does not belong to us
- I think it should be a common good, because there is no clear owner of landscape and everyone needs it.
- It should be. Everyone deserves landscape and its benefits in their every day life. However, depending on where people live, they may not have access to it.
- Yes. Many people can have different activities at the same time in the same place.
- we are all dependent on it
- Yes because landscape is related to everybody and we all belong to it
- yes, because it is ready to change
- Yes cause all can benefit from it
- i think it is a common need. Integrates people in it and allows to integrate the culture itself of the landscape
- I think landscape is a common good because it's everyones "backyard".
- Yes, in my opinion, regardless if it is interpreted differently by human beings, humans in the end benefit from it.
- Yes, every body uses it, however nobody want to maintain it. and if it's common, you have the danger off the tragedy of the common.
- Yes, because the landscape is not bad at all