Assignment 5: Your Democratic Change Process (2019)

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Time frame

June 5 - July 3, 2019

Task description

During the last part of the seminar you are invited to imagine yourself as the designer of a process. This process will include the community in addressing the challenges you have identified. Your approach should include the following elements:

  • a power map identifying who is affected by the challenge and who is influencing it
  • a selection of tools and methods for activating the actors involved. Think about the needs of different groups - you may need a mix of tools to address and involve them all. Be purposeful and methodical in the way you select and combine those tools.
  • a scenario illustrating how these tools can be applied within a short, medium and long term perspective involving the groups you want to address, this should include a process timeline
  • evaluate in the group how far your ideas either built on the theoretical frame that has been introduced to you during this seminar or react to this by filling a potential gap.

You will present your findings in the plenary on July 3, 2019

Submission format and presentation

Group work:

  • Decide in your teams on one local challenge to develop further
  • complete template with graphical representations and short explanatory texts
  • reflect how your work relates to the theoretical frame, prepare group presentation
  • you can use this PPT template for developing your presentation

Evaluation criteria

  • Creativity and innovation
  • evidence of solid theoretical and methodological knowledge
  • Completeness, depth and formal correctness of required elements
  • Visible synergy of project team
  • Quality of documentation
  • Quality of oral presentation (i.e. keeping time limits, clarity, expression, quality of presentation slides)