LED2LEAP 2020 - Freising Team 7: Difference between revisions

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*What is the visualization, the actual vision, that expresses the synthesis of these prioritized goals? Slide 2
*What is the visualization, the actual vision, that expresses the synthesis of these prioritized goals? Slide 2
*What is the strategy that was built for attaining one of these goals, the three-year plan of action? Slide 3
*What is the strategy that was built for attaining one of these goals, the three-year plan of action? Slide 3
*"we are introducing some actions to achieving the goals, for example, improve the children playgroung

Revision as of 13:50, 9 June 2020

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Area Freising
Place Freising
Country Germany
Topics Landscape democracy / health and well-being / blue-green infrastructure
Author(s) Farhana Afroze, Sonja De Weert, Noorjahan Begum, Bogdan Drăghici

Landscape Democracy Rationale

The landscape is part of the community, as is the community part of the landscape. The community lives in the landscape, but is also shaped by it. Changes on either of them will also affect the other. Therefore it is important to include the people who live here in planning processes, so that they have a voice through active participation in its protection, conserving and maintaining it as best as they can.

Location and scope

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Freising - Munich Airport community


Freising is located north of the Bavarian capital Munich, Germany.


  • plain, with hills in the north (Domberg and Weihenstephaner Berg)
  • the rivers Isar, Moosach and Amper
  • mainly arable lands, moorlands and forests
  • Munich international airport


  • 48.000 inhabitants (546/km2 (2018)
  • Strong developed education system
  • Important religious presence
  • City full of young people (16.4% below 17 years, lot of students)
  • Strong economy (mainly trade, traffic and services; only 1% in agriculture)
  • Good community transition (from a rather rural area to an important business location)
  • Low unemployment rate (more than 4000 enterprises, largest continuous hop-growing site in the world)
  • Many investors and developers

Groups of actors and stakeholders present here

  • Key actors :Individuals, Authorities, Heath care system, Airport, Communication (mobility)
  • Primary groups: Farmers, Environment protection, Recreation, Education, Environmental protection associations, Commerce, Industry
  • Secondary groups: Churches, Cultural groups, Elders, Ethnic groups, People with disabilities, Energy, Investors & Developers, Tourism

The Freising community includes different social groups and stakeholders like local and external. Social groups are children, students, individuals, senior citizens, differently able people, churches, different ethnic groups, and also many cultural communities. Additionally, education, agriculture, health care, restaurants, tourism, leisure-time and relaxation, small-big business groups, industries, Munich airport plays the local stakeholder role. There are some external stakeholders influences also exist from communications, forestry, authorities, developers, recycling, energy sectors, and water protection sectors, etc. All groups are either directly or indirectly connected with each other.

Regarding the landscape demands the Freising community needs some aspirations. For instance, the community requires better and clear recreation spaces, improved traffic connections (more parking places or ringway), innercity bike path connections, and also needs more public open spaces.

Relationships between your actors and groups

Authorities have the executive power (over individuals) due to the voted laws. On the other hand if individuals, when united in mind and body, they can create a voice that can influence the authorities. Industry is also an important factor of influence due to its economic impact/control, because it's creating jobs, and provides a better way of living for people.

The tourism, agriculture, authority and recycling communities have in common environmental protection. The other way around, the farmers and environmental protection share the same space, but have other interests and goals.

Summary of your learnings from the transnational discussion panel on April 22

Via the panel we had a look on how the other groups used the framework. It was interesting to see that they sometimes had another analytical approach or used a different way of visualizing. That broadened our horizon and gave us inspiration.

We also received some very useful feedback on how to further develop our community map to a higher level.

Theory reflection

  • Storytelling, a model of and a model for planning

From the Storytelling, a model of and a model for planning we have learned regarding the process of how to develop ideas on storytelling in planning practice. It represents how a good story can help to overcome a critical situation of planning to reach in the desired ending as well as connect present not only to make sense of the past but also to prepare for the future through the stories.

  • EU Directive on public access to environmental information

The directive shows that the EU has eye for the public and its interest in the landscape, but you could say that it is a bit vage and it leaves too much to the member states. There also seems to be not in control on what degree the member states implement this. Furthermore it mainly speaks about how public participants have access to the general landscape information, rejecting a proposal,... but never mentions the community as an active participant in a design (cfr. Ladder of Participation).

  • Council of Europe

According to the European Landscape Convention, the public's active participation is prior to protect the heritage value of the landscape. Additionally, the mutuality between local inhabitants and the professionals is also key factors for identifying and assessing landscape features.


Phase B: Democratic Landscape Analysis and Assessment

The Scene in your Story of Analysis

  • The main character of the story is Gunter Roeder, who is 72 years old retired engineer. Mr. Roeder went out to do food groceries from his neighboring store and meet shopkeeper Ataturk Ganja. From informal chitchat with Mr. Ganja, he found the same pale feelings that he has about his community's park and green spaces. He found out similar in thoughts when he meets with two students in the park. The grandchildren of Mr. Roeder are also involved in the story. His thoughts also become more attached when he got the same grey feelings from his grandchildren. After all those meetings with other persons from different groups, the person has a strong realization about the less motivating playgrounds, parks, and green spaces in the community. Altogether they initiated some surveys and workshops to fix the exact landscape democracy challenge of the community and to address the common solutions for all.
  • As it will be seen below, our landscape democracy challenge is the fact that the playgrounds & green spaces in Freising are not suitable enough in the matter of people's needs. Firstly playgrounds are there but they don't show any variety and we also find them serious and strict, instead of motivating children to find creative ways of playing they provide a limited amount of directions to play and secondly, regarding the recreational areas for adults, they are very conservative and outdated, no outdoor training's parks (calisthenics) '

The Actors in your Story of Analysis

  • The main actors of the story are kids, students, senior citizens, differently-abled people, different ethnicity and also from authority. There are some direct and indirect relationships between them. The family-based relationship and the social relationship, both are visible in between those groups. Normaly the autorities have a large influence, but they are here less important and remain more passive.

The Story of Analysis

  • We want to make the people dream about their own community. The 1st method will help to dream and get information from actors especially to know the landscape better. Then they will make different opinions from their individual perspectives. Different visions next to each other might indicate different solutions and sometimes one solution for one is doesn't suit others. But they have to work together for a solution to find out it at least at a satisfactory level for all.
  • 2nd method will be used to make awareness about their own neighborhood landscape. They can out for look into their known neighborhood in a new potential way. They can take pictures, videos and they can interact with people from the community to know their community from a closer perspective.
  • With the 3rd method we want to allow everyone to generate his own ideas to find solutions through the collaboration of all aged groups. We gather ideas with surveys, interviews, mapping workshops, or just some post-its on a wall. They then can discuss in the group all the different ideas and rank them. This way we avoid domination of the more vocal participants and all voices can be heard.

Reflect on your Story of Analysis

  • They fitted very well. The purpose of workshops, surveys and "city recon" helped the actors interact better with each other and their landscape, made them more aware about their needs and power of implementing them, the weaker voices got their chance to speak up and share their ideas, willingly to take part in the community design process and feel more attached to their neighborhoods.
  • The tools help to minimize the conflict of opinion variation from individuals. Additionally, those tools lead to making a common ground of problems and solutions.

Phase C: Collaborative Visioning and Goal Setting

The Scene in your Story of Visioning

  • Reiterate your landscape democracy challenge, by making a problem statement based on your landscape evaluation and the results of your Phase B assessment. Describe your challenge by digging further into the the physical scene and the community associated with this place.
  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below

The Actors in your Story of Visioning

  • Describe the particular characters that are going to participate in the visioning phase. Why were they chosen to participate and where will the visioning phase happen?
  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below

The Story of Visioning

  • Describe the crux of the story. How did the actors engage in collectively developing the goals, and what was the process involved in prioritizing them? Slide 1
  • What is the visualization, the actual vision, that expresses the synthesis of these prioritized goals? Slide 2
  • What is the strategy that was built for attaining one of these goals, the three-year plan of action? Slide 3
  • "we are introducing some actions to achieving the goals, for example, improve the children playgroung

  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below

Reflect on your Story of Visioning

  • What points were most important when formulating goals and what are the common characteristics of a good vision?
  • add the corresponding visual from your presentation to the image gallery below

Phase D: Collaborative Design, Transformation and Planning

* template coming

Phase E: Collaborative Design, Transformation and Planning

* template coming

= Phase E: Collaborative Evaluation and Future Agendas * template coming

Process Reflection

  • Reflect in your intercultural and interdisciplinary team on the outcomes of your study
  • Which limitations were you facing?
  • What have you learnt from each other?
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • You can also use diagrams/visuals
  • 250 words text

All in all the work done until now by our team, gave us a better understanding of our position in the community and our power to change and influence it. And for sure it made us realize that as active participants in the community or given the chance to some of us becoming specialists, elected representatives or technical staff of local, regional and national authorities, we have a great responsibility towards the present and future well-being of the hole society. And we also realized this aspect that the landscape related issues are not affecting just one part of the community/society but the hole and that there should be a much better communication between all actors.